La vida sana – Construcción de frases

Actividad: Construcción de frases (Pretérito imperfecto / Pretérito simple / Presente)

Imprime estas tarjetas:

Traduce estas frases al español, eligiendo los verbos correctos.  Tienes que pensar en el período en el que ocurre la acción (¿pasado? ¿presente? ¿período preciso y exacto? ¿período impreciso o inexacto?) y la frecuencia de la acción (¿un evento? ¿una rutina?).  Luego, escucha la grabación y lee la frase en voz alta.

1  I went to the swimming pool once a week with my brother


2  When I was younger, I didn’t eat much fruit


3  When I was 9 I drank milk from time to time


4  I often slept 12 hours per night


5  Every day I ate lots of vegetables but now I eat a lot of fruit


6  Before, I used to sleep 12 hours per night but now I sleep less


7  Normally I played football at the weekends, but now I often play basketball


8  Before, I used to go to the pool on Saturdays, but now I go to the cinema at weekends.


9  I played basketball yesterday with my friends


10  Last week I went to the gym with my brother


11  I used to drink coffee now and again


12  Before, I didn’t play football very often but yesterday I played with my brother


13  Last week I ate a lot of fruit but when I was younger, I ate a lot of vegetables


14  Before, I went to the pool on Saturdays, but this Saturday I went to the cinema


15  On 5th September I went swimming with my brother but I often used to swim with my friends


16  Before, I used to play football on Saturdays with my friends, but yesterday I played with my brother




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